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The service station with a car wash

Offer type: salePublished: 06.03.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk, Chelyabinsk
For sale business for sale. The service station with a car wash in Novoselovo, garage co 208 at the entrance. Service: 2 elevators, 3 gates, warehouse for spare parts, staff room, shower, toilet, assemblies. Washing: for 2 cars, water goes to the Central Sewerage system Central water supply.
Heating: 3 species. Boiler waste oil, solid fuel boiler(coal and the like), electric boiler. Around the perimeter are battery powered through electric boiler and solid fuel boiler.
Good lighting everywhere. Bars on the Windows. Alarm, video surveillance. Good, "priorslee place." Used to do everything: kuzovino, electrician, and even collapse.
All have brilliant green, one owner, all documents are in order.
Price for all 3 000 000 rubles. Torg.