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IT-lab RusPixel offers a range of services

Offer type: servicesPublished: 12.03.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
IT-lab RusPixel can provide a range of services for your company in the IT field, a list of some of our services:
Site creation
Website promotion
Service sites
3d visualization of the interior
3d visualization of the exterior
3d modeling
Photo tour 360 degrees of photos
Photo tour 360 degrees of 3d visualization (primer under construction on the village or the building)
Interactive 3d presentation
Video presentation
Multimedia training program
3d simulators!
Apps for iOS and Android
3d virtual tour
Design business cards, flyers, booklets, billboards and other
Printing and production printing products
Design and manufacture of promotional products (pens, notepads, umbrellas, etc. with your logo)
Consulting services