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Profitable beauty salon

Offer type: salePublished: 12.03.2014
Seller:Serova Diana
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Address:Russian Federation
I will urgently sell a beauty salon.
Located 500 m from m Glider and 800 m from the Skhodnenskaya - close to tram and bus stops.
Working 8 months, passed the break-even point. Today the business is consistently profitable. There are 5 artists: manicure-pedicure, hairdressers and beauticians.
Active advertising campaign in social media and outdoor advertising, including the distribution of leaflets and advertisements in elevators.
The average monthly turnover of 300 thousand rubles
The average monthly profit of 30-40 thousand rubles (stable growth)
Square - 107 (!!!) sq m Private entrance.
Also on sale is the trade balance 60 thousand rubles, and all equipment with a total value of more than 300 thousand rubles
Reason for sale: family circumstances.
Price: 620 thousand rubles