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Profitable cosmetics shop in passable place

Offer type: salePublished: 13.03.2014
Seller:Serova Diana
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Address:Russian Federation
Sell store natural and organic cosmetics.
- Consistently high demand for the products;
- Wide range of goods;
- Large product residue;
- The location on the 1st line near the highway and the bus stop;
On sale includes:
Favorable lease;
- Contracts with 3 suppliers (20 marks);
- Trade balance 200 000 rubles;
- Commercial equipment - shelving, showcase;
Monetary indicators (per month):
Turnover from 80 thousand rubles
Profit 15-25 thousand rubles (stable growth)
Advertising budget - 0 br (if you connect advertising, profit can be increased 2-3 times in 2 months)
Payback period: 3-4 months!
Reason for sale - the development of the wholesale business.
The Declaration is valid until deleted. Call!
Before buying You will have the opportunity to fully test the business and work together with the owner during the week.
Price: 320 thousand rubles