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Chicken-broiler wholesale: carcass, fillet, beef GOST

Offer type: salePublished: 13.03.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Novosibirskaya Oblast', Novosibirsk
Sell poultry meat warehouse in Novosibirsk:
-Carcass CB PC Danube in packages - 65,0 RUB
-Legs s/m 1/12 - 62,0 RUB
-Legs GOST - 75,0 RUB
-Thigh, 1/10 - 70,0 RUB
-Chicken wing GOST - 85,0 RUB
-Chicken (Danube) from 130,0 RUB
-Chicken GOST 1/12 - 158,0 RUB
From a warehouse in St. Petersburg:
-Language of the gods. Argentina/Paraguay - 306,00 RUB
Semi-finished products of own production:
- burgers, chicken sticks from 42,0 RUB/kg
Packing: carton 1/5, packing for the 0.9, 0.8 kg
A flexible system of discounts.
Looking for a distributor.