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Sell ready business

Offer type: salePublished: 14.03.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Saratovskaya Oblast', Balashov
Agricultural company, LTD, no debts, loans, with a good balance.
Place: Saratov region, Balashov district.
Profile: growing of cereals, legumes and oilseeds (sunflower).
Land: 5 000 ha (Chernozem), you can buy.
Building: 5 objects, total area of 3 400 square meters, magtok, granary (3), the building of TVET.
Technique: 40, updated balance value of more than 40 million rubles
Staff: fully developed team of professionals.
Driveway: asphalt, soil.
Network: electricity, gas, water.
Annual profit after deducting all expenses, approximately 18 million rubles.
The sales plan is discussed.
Photo of the company and the presentation is available on request.
Sold enterprise owner, not the agent (sale without a fee)