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Selling donuts, crackers,oatmeal cookies from the manufacturer!

Offer type: salePublished: 15.03.2014
Seller:Ivanov Eduard
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Our company specializes in the manufacture and sale of donuts, crackers, oatmeal cookies and cakes. All products are manufactured by the company's own plant using modern automated equipment. High-quality natural ingredients - a necessary condition for the manufacture of our products! A distinctive feature of the formulation is the use of baking flour.Today the range includes both weight and packaged products.We have achieved a perfect quality product at a relatively low price, due to which all products are recognized and very popular with our customers and consumers, Kursk, Kaluga, Belgorod, Bryansk,Orel, Moscow and many other Russian cities as well as near and far abroad. Our products was twice the winner of the "test purchase"
(917) 556-05-07, +79175560507, e-mail Russia, Moscow