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Sunflower oil

Offer type: salePublished: 18.03.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
Brand Belarusian pan" is a new name on the Russian food market.
We offer long-term cooperation for the supply of our products.
Sunflower oil refined deodorized "Belarusian pan" GOST
The production of our oil is located in the Rostov region
Top grade , first pressed , chilled .
PET bottle ml.
The products are certified.
Provided all the documents.
Cooperate with all regions of Russia and CIS.
Shipping to in Moscow.
Payment cash, Bank transfer.
Minimum order arobot (but)
Price RB.
The price for a large amount of discussion.
Price, rubles: 525
Currency: Rubles