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Creation and Promotion of Sites. Brand style.

Offer type: servicesPublished: 19.03.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Krasnodarskiy Kray, Krasnodar
Development of high-quality selling site from 20,000 rubles development Time from 2 weeks.
Promotion of sites, configuring, maintaining contextual advertising from 9000 rubles Payment for the result.
The terms from 1 month.
With us not only pleasant but also beneficial to deal with! We give 2000 rubles for contextual advertising every new client!
Development of corporate identity (logo, business cards, letterhead) from 9000 rubles
The period of 7 days.
Completed work on our website.
Work under the contract, the advance payment of 50 %.
WEB-Studio "DmitriiChe"
You necessarily all will turn out!
So let's not waste time!