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Clutch gear MOH 1 - 19

Offer type: salePublished: 19.03.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Kemerovskaya Oblast', Novokuznetsk
Supply Clutch gear:
1. Toothed clutch MZ-1
2. Toothed clutch MZ-2
3. Toothed clutch MZ-C
4. Toothed clutch MZ-4
5. Toothed clutch MZ-5
6. Toothed clutch MZ-7
7. Toothed clutch MZ-8
8. Toothed clutch MZ-9
9. Toothed clutch MZ-11
10. Toothed clutch MZ-12
11. Toothed clutch MZ-15
12. Toothed clutch MZ-17
13. Toothed clutch MZ-19
14. Toothed clutch MZ-22
15. Toothed clutch MH-24
GOST-5006-83 and GOST R 50895-96
Clutch the RPMS and the Stub-finger clutch GOST 21424-93.
Couplings are available in stock.
1 MOH 1 2 MH 2 3 MH 3 4 MH 4 5 MH 5 6 MH 6 7 MH 7 8 MOH 8 9 MOH 9 10 MOH 10 11 MOH 11 12 MOH 12 13 MOH 13 14 MH 14 15 MH 15 16 MOH 16 17 MOH 17 17 MOH 18 19 MOH 19 RPMS Stub finger clutch GOST R 50895 96 21424 93 83 5006