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Stop Demodex gel eyeshadow

Offer type: salePublished: 20.03.2014
Seller:Shpakovskij Vladimir
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
Stop Demodex (Stop Demodex) gel for eyelids
When demodectic blepharitis should use a special medical cosmetics. Gel Stop demodex created specifically to combat the symptoms of demodicosis in the eyelid area. Symptoms demodecosis of blepharitis is excessive eye fatigue, loss of eyelashes, barley for centuries. About the presence of the mite also testify matted eyelashes, flakes of skin, mucosa reddening, itching and burning in the eyes. The gel Stop demodex will help you to get rid of barley for centuries to improve the condition of the skin, to remove all of the above symptoms. The gel should be applied regularly, pre-treating the eyelids.
Gel eyeshadow eliminates erosion of the edges of the eyelids when demodectic blepharitis and demodectic rashes of the skin, prevents the appearance of new lesions. Has a mild bacteriostatic, toning, regenerating effect on the skin of the eyelids and face, eliminates itching and swelling, relieves discomfort and fatigue.
Apply to the skin of the eyelids, face, ears and ear canal affected by Demodex, which is caused by mites Demodex folliculorum, Demodex brevis, Demodex canls. And when secondary infection acne bacterial flora.