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Fittings A/400

Offer type: salePublished: 20.03.2014
Seller:Aleksandrovich Il'ya
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Sell rebar
In the range measure and NDL.
The valve f 8 mm A400-500
The valve f 10 mm A400-500
The valve f 12 mm A400-500
The valve f 14 mm A400-500
The valve f 16 mm A400-500
The valve f 18-22 mm A400-500
The valve f 25-32 mm
Also available in wire VR-1 F2,8-3, BP-1 F3,8-4
, BP-1 F4,8-5, rod F6,5mm,
rod FMM, rod FMM, rod
FM, fittings F8-32 (measure NDL, Shorty) from
circle, square, strip, area,wire rod second.
5,5-6,5. The auction is possible.