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A guaranteed loan, solve problems

Offer type: servicesPublished: 21.03.2014
Seller:Aleksandr Nikolaevich
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Address:Russian Federation, Sverdlovskaya Oblast', Yekaterinburg
Assistance in obtaining credit in Yekaterinburg and other regions.
If you have any problems with independent loan in the Bank, call us and we will solve your problems, find and assist the approval of most advantageous option for you loan.
If you meet the following conditions:
- age from 23 to 65 years old
- registration in any subject of the Russian Federation
- formal or informal employment
Call us and we will help you!
Payment after receiving the loan.
We provide consulting services, followed by your application in the Bank, promotes the adoption of a positive decision.
Interest rates on loans from 14%!
Fee for services is calculated individually and ranges from 5 to 25%.