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Ready business in installments+ super bonus!

Offer type: salePublished: 23.03.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
Sold THEM acting Computer gadgets and smartphones. (Address: Gadzilla dot ru)
Program payment in installments:
1) You pay 100 000 RUB at the conclusion of the contract and receive (selling site; key skills of advertising and promotion; consulting, training, consulting)
2) the Remaining 80 000r pay with profit within 60 calendar days
3) What else:
a) Proven courier service (delivery all over Russia)
b) Suppliers (official distributors + Chinese suppliers)
C) the Entire business is given a full introduction in the course of the case.
g) Run ads on trusted channels
4) AndAlso:
1: Key skills in advertising, chips and mood triggers
2: Sale and mn.others
5) Podderzhka and consultation for 2 months
(for more details by phone or email)