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Vipera Cosmetics - easy and fun business!

Offer type: salePublished: 24.03.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Leningradskaya Oblast', Saint-Petersburg
A unique format that has no analogues in the Russian market. Successfully developing franchising in Europe, Asia and the middle East. Currently, the company's products are exported to Russia, Asia, Africa, UAE and 14 European Countries. More than 4,000 retail outlets around the world selling products Vipera Сosmetics.
2013 franchise company Vipera implemented in Russia. Already open 12 sales departments in 6 cities. Today we are just beginning to promote franchising company Vipera Сosmetics in our country. The success of no doubt. All our predictions on how optimistic they would not look like that, life refutes much better results. The steady growth of regular customers, is the best Brand recognition. You can also join the team of professionals!