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Sold THEM acting Computer gadgets

Offer type: salePublished: 24.03.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
Website address: Vip marketstore (dot ru)
1) is Fully automated.
2) All of the logistical issues have been resolved.
3) the Business is built so that he does not require my presence enough 3 hours a day to monitor sales performance.
4) day 3-7 orders. Net profit from one product from 1500 up to 6000r taking into account the cost of advertising!
What else:
5. Proven courier service (delivery all over Russia)
6. Suppliers (official distributors + Chinese suppliers)
7.The product is purchased from suppliers under specific orders, which allows you to avoid large inventories and to have a wide range.
8. Great prospects for business growth.
9. The whole business is given a full introduction in the course of the case.
10. Established channels of advertising.
+ Will help with the launch of the first promotions!