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Hobbing machine ZFWZ-800 x10/II

Offer type: salePublished: 26.03.2014
Seller:Vasil'ev Oleg Vladimirovich
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Address:Russian Federation, Yaroslavskaya Oblast', Yaroslavl
The organization implements ZFWZ-800x10 /II - hobbing machine b/y, 2 units, 1977 century, the Diameter of the workpiece is 800 mm, the module 10 mm. In complete condition.
Also offer other hobbing machines, including CNC: M, M, 5342,
5330, A, KA, K, AN, CP, CA, K, FO-8 TOS, DN, AN, CA, ZFWZ 500x8, ASS-34, ISS-635, VP, ESC.34, AP, A, D, W, ZFWZ-250/4 Modul, K, K, Pfauter RS00, Pfauter RS11, AP, Modul ZFWZ-08, ESP.535, Modul ZFWZ-03 CNC EZ.
For more information and pictures on request and on the website TITANTRON.RU