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Limit switches, sensors , counters, relays , protection devices

Offer type: salePublished: 27.03.2014
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Address:Russian Federation
The proposed device protection and automation:
·Solid-state relays, voltage monitoring relays, time relays and timers, monitoring relays current, intermediate relays, impulse relays (relay memory)and others;
·Limit switches and sensors (optical , capacitive, inductive, barrier);
·Temperature relays and controllers, thermistor protection;
·Switches phases and relay selection phase, power limiters, thyristor power regulators (switches);
·The relay and the relay lighting;
·Relays motor protection and device surge protection;
·Counters, tachometers, counters working hours.
For protection of switchgear and CSR the arc protection devices GADFLY and relays arc protection AGB.
Gas boilers and furnaces "Rabeca".
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