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used chest Freezers WHOLESALE (available)

Offer type: salePublished: 27.03.2014
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Used freezer chests.
Volume 300-400-500 liters. length 100\65\90 - 122\67\90 - 130\68\90 m
Cover solid/transparent glass bent\direct.
The equipment in working condition, the freon refilled, the socket is soldered, thermostat mode, all passed health checks.
These breakdowns were eliminated (replacement filter, compressor, condenser, evaporator has been tested for leaks)
Temperature - 23
External condition good equipment clean washed, some painted, all in the film. (Pre sales)
The equipment does not require investment in repair.
About picking all the equipment on wheels + it is possible to complete some units baskets.
Promote the organization of delivery to Ukraine.
Price is 1500 UAH per 1 piece length from 1m to 1.30 m Wholesale 20 pieces
Price 1700 UAH (new compressor) Wholesale 10 pieces
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