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At 2300-2500 UAH NEW Freezer chests. A freezing container, Freezer, refrigeration equipment, freezer equipped

Offer type: salePublished: 27.03.2014
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Sell NEW chest freezers, freezers at 70% discount
The NEW equipment is in excellent condition.
Most of the equipment was NOT EXPLOITABLES.
Some units are operated, less than half the year
Everything on wheels and equipped with baskets
Volume from 300 to 400 liters. Length from 1 to 1.30 meters.
The lid is transparent, glass bent\direct.
All the equipment is working.
Temperature - 20
price 2300-2500 UAH per 1 PCs reasonable bargain.
Possible delivery in Ukraine. Reasonable prices for delivery
The amount of equipment is limited
Work seven days a week! Calls from 7.00 to 22.00
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Phone 063 961 35 78,
095 335 79 79