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"World of magnets" offers tools for the opening of the summer season!

Offer type: salePublished: 31.03.2014
Seller:Marusenko Andrej
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Soon will come the holiday season is a time to think about the choice of instruments and accessories! Convenient accessories from online store "World of magnets" will make repairs at the cottage with light and pleasant.
Collect spilled the fastener can be easily and quickly using a telescopic magnet. During operation, always lost nails and small parts? Using magnetic bracelets or holders for hardware easy to keep everything right before your eyes. It is inconvenient to store the tools in the drawers? Magnetic holders will allow you to fix everything on the wall - wrenches, pliers, screwdrivers will be on hand and will never be lost.
Make an order for the magnets to give in April and receive a 3% discount!