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The banana porridge with dried fruit 130 gr.

Offer type: salePublished: 08.03.2015
Price:12.5 UAH
Seller:Stanislav Novgorodskij
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Address:Kyiv, Ukraine
This porridge is made on the basis of dry banana, in which many vuggibdv and it is not loading the stomach. Importantly, this food pdmrulw, very high in calories and uswould fully,quickly turns into the stomach. There are pieces of dried fruit (dates, figs,apricots) which make a very pleasant taste. In Kashi no preservatives, because the humidity its very low to 7%. The term consumption of 2 years. To eat it you need to pour in a Cup or bowl and pour boiling water 200-230 ml, parameshthi and wait 2-3min. The net weight of the dry mixture of 130 grams. The net weight of the finished product somewhere 350-360 gr.Tsina porridge 12,50 USD.