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Cakes and pastries to order in the Kiev region

Offer type: salePublished: 24.04.2016
Seller:Ivzhenko Roman Vladimirovich
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Obukhiv

Confectionery of any complexity:

-Cakes made to order festive (cream, paste, glaze)

-Cakes homemade: Honey, Napoleon, Charlotte, Prague, Yogurt, etc.

-Pies (with jam, meat, fruits, berries, vegetables, etc.)

-Pies (with meat, fruit, berries, vegetables, etc.)

-Strudel pastry (meat, fruits, berries, vegetables and etc.)

-Cupcakes and muffins (with dried fruit and candied fruit, chocolate, with berries, cream)

-The rolls with poppy seeds

-P the Directors (chocolate truffle, with nuts, zest of lemon)


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