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Colomba, panettone -Italian cakes to Your holiday table right from Tuscany (

Offer type: salePublished: 24.04.2016
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Tastier pasoček does not happen...

SW. guests pages, the importation of Italian Colomba 28/03/2015

WEIGHT: 1kg with candied fruit

Colomba (translated from the Italian. dove) is an Italian Easter cake, Easter cake, cake, cake. Traditionally it is baked in the form dove with outstretched wings, the bird is shaped like a cross.
Colomba tastes like the Christmas panettone, but the top she covered almonds and almond glaze. Made of soft dough with candied fruits, raisins, nuts and chocolate.

Easter get rich and very aromatic.
To Colomba are served hot drinks, such as coffee or hot chocolate, or a sweet Italian wine.

  Sold in a beautiful gift box delicious gift for yourself and loved ones for EASTER!!!

Products are produced for the domestic market of Italy and countries of the European Union.


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