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The CMT flexible template

Offer type: salePublished: 20.03.2016
Seller:Bojchuk Valerij
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Address:Ukraine, Dnipropetrovska Oblast', Dnipropetrovsk
Flexible templates CMT TMP series are designed for the milling of complex shapes, arches and other shaped elements, as well as for the manufacture of rigid templates. For fixing of flexible template use self-tapping screws. The CMT template is made of a wear resistant and flexible plastic, you can even "tie" into the unit without any risk to break.
1000х18х18 TMP-1000 72 euros
1200х12х12 TMP-1200 60 Euro
2000х18х18 TMP-2000 140 Euro
Flexible templates are used when milling manual milling or small milling machines.
Fasten the template on the edge of the panel following the planned line of milling considering cutter size, mounting, bearing or copy of the ring. For small radii use a flexible template smaller section.