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Stationary and mobile concrete batching plants (rig)

Offer type: salePublished: 04.03.2018
Price:1 200 000 UAH
Seller:Aleksej Vladimirovich
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Address:Ukraine, Rivnens'ka Oblast', Rivne

National Plant Concrete Equipment (the Group of Companies Monolit offers services in manufacturing and installation of plants from 20 to 200 m3/h
- ABSU-ABSU and 20-30;
- ABSU-ABSU and 40-50;
- ABSU-ABSU and 60-80;
- ABSU-100, ABSU-ABSU and 150-200.
We also offer services that are related to the manufacture and installation of mobile concrete batching plants:
- BIE-15;
- BIE-30;
- BIE-50.
If a stationary option is clear, the design of the concrete plant mobile type allows you to quickly install it on the building site, and then if necessary move to another construction site.
When rendering our services, we use only a complete solution.
Turning to us, You will be able to fully experience the benefits of the European quality, reliability and availability.
Each order is treated individually and responsibly.
Tel.: (036) 267-11-77, (095) 106-47-36, (067) 803-17-77. Aleksey Vladimirovich.

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