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Compact scrubber Viper AS380/15

Offer type: salePublished: 15.03.2018
Price:1 699 EUR
Seller:Sibenko Vlad
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Address:Ukraine, Zaporiz'ka Oblast', Zaporizhia
Compact scrubber drier for cleaning crowded areas.

This scrubber machine is easy to produce a wet cleaning in crowded and narrow spaces. VIPER AS380/15 equipped with a folding handle that allows you to carry it in the trunk of any car. Thanks to the easy control and maneuverability of the machine can be used for cleaning of offices, small shops, hospitals, boutiques and other facilities.

Harakteristiki 380 Proizvoditelnosti (m2/h)*750Ширина scraper (mm)490Бак for a solution / dirty water (l)15 / 15Напряжение (In)380Уровень noise at a distance of 1.5 m (dB(A)) ISO 374468Скорость brush rotation (rpm)140Длинна cord (m)15E x W x h (cm)78 x 41.5 x 59Вес (kg)44Рабочий weight (kg)40