We buy metal
Offer type: salePublished: 06.08.2018
We buy metal rolling round steel 45,
09G2S, .20, 25Х2М1Ф, 40H, 38KHM, 38KHGM, 65G, 30CH13, 4H5MFS, 3KH3M3F, U8, 6KHV2S,
CVH, 9KH1, 40KHN, 40KHN2MA, 34Х1НМ, 09G2S, SHKH15, 12KHN3A, 20KH2N4A, 4KH5MF1S,
25Х2Н4МФА, 34ХН3МА, 5KHNM, 4KH4VMFS, 5KH3V3MFS (and other brands of steel and alloys)
Forging steel:,45, 5KHNM, 34ХНМ1, 34ХНМ1, 4H5MFS, 5ХНМ2, 40Х2ГМ, 25ХН3МФА,
38Х2ГНМ, 40Х2ГНМ, 06Х12НЗД, 15Х2МФА, 4KH4VMFS, 5KH3V3MFS etc Squares are:
20, 45, 40X, 40KHN2MA etc steel Sheet: 65G, 34ХН1М, 3, 38KH2N2MA, 20, 45
Call 067-875-41-53, 050-88-77-648 to send price lists to the email
mail tov.medium@gmail.com Quick cash and cashless payments.
Self. We will be glad to cooperation!