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"Attention!!! Cuttings are useful and super tasty vegetable sweet potato! Seedling Kiev.Yam Kiev.To buy cuttings of sweet potato in Kiev."

Offer type: salePublished: 15.03.2019
Price:10 UAH
Seller:Yurij Mihajlovich
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv
If You have viber - for all questions please contact, room 0671049578
Also call: 0671049578., 0734188341-Yuri Mikhailovich, if there is no money in the account or the wrong operator, write on e-mail or fill out the form "feedback"
Sweet potatoes grow for themselves because it tastes good and useful ,especially in baked form! Friends and acquaintances also hoisted on the sweet potato, once giving a try.Now they grow this plant and look forward to my seedlings !.
In the presence of a species - Vinnitsa Pink, Victory 100, purple,Betty, Porto Amarelo, GA jet.
Later Beauregard, Georgia red,garnet, NBS, Manchu unknown,Tainung,jewel,Puerto Rico,Afghan
All varieties otlichajutsja the taste, the color of the fruit and juiciness. The sweet varieties-orange

Price-from 10 UAH, depending on the grade, send a New Mail

In my advertisement You can see photographs of the history of cultivation of sweet potato from seedlings in the walls of the apartment, planting and harvesting and finishing dishes with Yam

The sweet potato plant family Vukovije. The vegetable is also called sweet potatoes. It tastes really sweet, and after frying the sweetness.

Vegetable is appreciated around the world not only for its taste but also for health benefits.

                                                                  Use sweet potato

The sweet potato is not only delicious vegetable, but a medicinal plant. It protects against cancer and diabetes.

In every part of the yams contain antioxidants, which protect cells from oxidation. Yam supports the immune system, and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer.

The vegetable supports the normal pressure level. Anthocyanins kill cancer cells of the stomach, colon, lung and breast cancer.

Sweet potato reduces inflammation in the brain.Vitamin a in vegetable strengthens the eyes. Its deficiency leads to dry eyes, night blindness and even total loss of vision.

Due to the high fiber content of the sweet potato helps prevent constipation and improves the digestive tract.

Nutritious root vegetable helps you to lose weight. Due to its low glycemic index, sweet potatoes improve blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes.

It increases the level of adiponectin is a protein hormone that is responsible for the absorption of insulin.

Peel sweet potato protects against poisoning by heavy metals such as mercury, cadmium and arsenic.