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Polyethylene storage tanks for water and corrosive substances

Offer type: salePublished: 03.04.2013
Seller:Malina Aleksandra
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Type number of tanks from 5 m3 to 50 m3. Form - horizontal-oval, with a diameter of 2.35 meters. Capacity made from high quality polyethylene by rotational molding. In contrast to the analogues of sheet plastics, possess high strength and reasonable price. The advantages of "CATERPILLARS"
- the height and width of all tanks can accommodate the capacity of large volume in the lower (basement) and tight spaces;
- capacity protected from exposure to sunlight;
- made size car capacity may be used to carry water and CAS( with additional reinforcement)
- "TRACKS" can be assembled from parts at the place of operation (input size not less than 2.35 1.4 meters);
even the capacity volume of 50 m3 transported conventional transport, you do not need permission to oversized perevozka;
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