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Mini candy logo to order

Offer type: servicesPublished: 29.04.2013
Seller:Smolenskij Timofej
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
Nice little candy in its original wrapper in a vase on the reception in the reception room of the head, in the client area office of the service or in the negotiation is no longer simply a courtesy, and good manners. This edible unobtrusive advertising will help to defuse the situation, take the time waiting visitor will easily remember and will make a good impression about your company.
It is possible for the guest-sweet tooth, departing, will want to grab a few things, and even a handful of promotional sweets. And this also will be on hand! He will want to share their joy with friends and colleagues, and therefore, the audience delicious advertising campaign will grow.
Mini candy canes with the logo of different flavors and colors offers Studio Custom advertising: