HUMATE 3in1 - 097, 232,28,06, Hilary Potassium and Sodium + Vermissten, Similar to Nitrate and Urea, Ecopreneuring.
Price: | 28 UAH |
Company: | Eko Brend Ukraina |
Seller: | ![]() |
Phones: | ![]() 3 097 232 28 06 Show phone |
Address: | Ukraine, Odessa oblast', Odesa |
G The M AND T are ALL the most effective HUMATES IN ONE: POTASSIUM HUMATE + HUMATE SODIUM + Hood with CALIFORNIAN WORM - are complex and contain all the group substances and microorganisms necessary for the development plants: - humates, fulvic acids, amino acids, vitamins, polysaccharides, phytohormones and growth regulators, the main macronutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, the main trace elements in chelate form (Mg, Ca, Fe, Cu, Zn, Br, Mn, S), beneficial soil microorganisms: (azotobacteria, photosynthetic, postformability and others).
HUMATE POTASSIUM - Potassium is involved in nitrogen metabolism (helps the plant to absorb carbon dioxide from the air) and hydration proteins in cells. Potassium is especially important to the flowers, the lack potassium flowers are not formed or they are very small. When the lack of potassium in cells is the accumulation of ammonia, which starts dying tissues (leaves turn yellow at the edges and gradually begin to fall). Growth plants dramatically delayed. A characteristic feature of potassium starvation - bright rim on the entire surface of the sheet. The yellowing begins with the top sheet and further down between the ribs to the petiole. In addition, when the lack of potassium plants are easier to fungal diseases. Humic substances is multifunctional polyelectrolyte (polyampholytes). Humic substances contain both positively charged functional group (athropy, amines, imine, peptide), and negatively charged (alcohol, phenol, aldehyde, ketone, carboxyl, metaxylene and others).
The SODIUM HUMATE is produced from brown coal and peat, the purpose of the application of which is the removal of the chemical load plants when applying agrochemicals and pesticides. "Sodium HUMATE has properties adaptogene and antistress agent. Promotes active development all soil microorganisms, which promotes intensive the restoration and the formation of humus in the soil, the increase in the content vitamins, protein, starch, nucleic acids and sugars; grains: the increase of gluten content in average by 3%, increasing the glassiness of 6% and the quality of gluten by 10%, the prevention of excessive accumulation nitrate in the roots, associates products industrial pollution (mercury, lead, pesticides, radionuclides, and other) and prevents their uptake from soil into plants. Complex macro (chelates on the basis AEPD), g/d^3: nitrogen (N) - 50000, phosphorus (P) - 600, potassium (K) - 10000, sulfur (S) - 600, magnesium (Mg) - 250. The complex of microelements (chelates based AEPD), g/d^3: iron - 250, copper - 750, manganese - 370, Bor - 150, zinc - 500, molybdenum - 250, cobalt - 75. The complex of vitamins: C (ascorbic acid), B1 (thiamine), EOI (Niacin), B12 (cyanocobalamin). Complex organic acids: Succinic, Citric, L-lysine.
HOOD WITH CALIFORNIAN WORM - eliminate the deficit trace elements - intensify the processes of destruction of plant residues, formation of humus and accumulation of free nitrogen and phosphorus in soil, - the processing seed is dramatically reduced development diseases (bacterial, pomozov and others - have expressed fungicidal effect, contribute to the flowering and the formation of ovaries and fruit - activate the vital processes of plants. In critical periods of development of the plant: tillering, the appearance of the kidneys, the output in the tube is the basis of yield, but in this period the plant experiencing great stress and demands support and protection against phytopathogens and ensuring a balanced diet, all macro-and micro-ultralente. Effect the action of the drug is already on the 5th - 7th day after treatment of crops. After application, the plants begin to quickly vehetuvaty, intensively developed root system and aerial part. In winter crops up to 30-40% increased accumulation of sugars. Plants are winter is well-formed, and due to the accumulation of sugars easily tolerate low temperatures. Spring treatment of crops of winter grain and winter rape these drugs will help to revive damaged and weakened plants, to suspend the development of diseases, to ensure speedy recovery of vegetation and the acceleration of all processes photosynthesis, increases dramatically biochemistry soil and optimized conditions for the growth and development of plants. The nutrients included in the composition of the drug deposited on the surface of leaf mass are absorbed and undergo the same process of synthesis of the elements that come through the root system, but in 5-8 times faster.
Price per 1l of HUMATE - 28.00 USD/liter Norms of consumption of drugs: HUMATE - 6-10 LGA
System protection and fertilization of crops, for example oz. and Yar. wheat, barley, oats:
1. Processing of seeds by th Seeds - 8 l/t = 160 UAH. Pests: Root rot, soil pests, ground beetles, smut, worms, wireworms. 2. The emergence of seedlings for 1 Ha. - 7 l/ha = GM/Ha . 3. The tillering stage - 1 Ha.- 7 l/Ha = 140 UAH. Pests: Rust, powdery mildew, fleas, ground beetles, aphids. 4. Phase of the tube - 1 Ha - 7 l/Ha = 140 UAH + Becomed (1 l - 50 UAH) = Gr. Pests: Fusarium head blight, grain moth, Septoria, rust, plavica.
*Prices are wholesale and without VAT.
System protection and feeding of corn and sunflower:
Corn: 1. Seeds (Borer, root rot, wireworms) - 10 l/t, 2. Article 3-4 leaves (Fusarium, fly, Cicada, bedbugs, flea beetle) - 8L/ha, 3. Article 9-10 sheets (Historysome, sucking pests)- 8L/ha + 1,5 Became l/ha 4. Article Before flowering (Historysome, sucking pests) - 8 l/ha,
Sunflower: 1. Seeds (Root rot, wireworm, oz. Scoop) 10 l/t 2. The end of the shoots (Grey mould, rust, larvae of chafer, oz. borer, weevils) 8 l/g