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Sell the chicken egg-1

Offer type: salePublished: 02.04.2014
Seller:Lyudmila Nikolaevna
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Address:Ukraine, Odessa oblast', Odesa
We suggest You to buy chicken egg C-1, bulk from the manufacturer, and we invite to mutually advantageous cooperation:individuals and distributors, as well as restaurants, chain restaurants,bars, night clubs, boarding houses, sanatoriums, recreation centers,kindergartens and camps retailers.
The company is located in ecologically clean regions.
The bird eats only natural food (no additives),
because of this, the egg sets the status of the home.
Buying our eggs in bulk, You receive goods only high quality,
natural, pure product that is key to the success of any
food business. And the key to the success of our company is
the freshness of the products supplied. We try to minimize the production time in transit and warehouse in the egg reaches the end consumer more fresh, retains its useful properties and vitamins.
We guarantee:
All required supporting documents;
- direct delivery from the manufacturer;
- individual approach to each client.
A flexible system of discounts depending on volume purchases.
Take into account and consider all Your suggestions and wishes!