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The screw conveyors, augers, auger spiral

Offer type: salePublished: 02.04.2014
Seller:Syitin Aleksandr
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Address:Russian Federation
The company "Dose-agro" offers services in manufacturing spiral augers, as well as ready-made screws and screw conveyors (screw conveyors) used in agricultural machinery, drilling equipment, construction industry, concrete industry, etc.,
Conveyors screw (TS) - screw conveyor with a continuous action of the closed type to move the product in a horizontal or inclined direction. Transportation of bulk product (grain, flour, sugar, etc.,) occurs in the casing along the axis of rotation of the spiral screw. Model screw conveyors are available in two versions: in the pipe in the trench. Are both stationary and mobile versions of the screws, pull and interpreting the principle of action.
Maximum screw diameter - 400 mm
Internal screw diameter - 35 mm
Metal thickness up to 6 mm
Step pen - up to 600 mm
The length of the spiral screw - up to 6 000 mm
The performance of the conveyor up to 50 t/h
Power conveyor from 1.5 to 5.5 kW
We are ready to consider the possibility of production of screw augers, pipes and screw conveyors according to Your drawings. In addition, here you can buy not only screws and screw conveyors, but also spare parts for the screws. Due to simple design you can repair augers independently.
On the website you will be able to make a request, and our experts will calculate the auger, auger spiral or screw conveyor.
Minimum order screw spiral - 50 peg. m