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Faucet construction: adjustable Dnepr-160

Offer type: salePublished: 03.04.2014
Seller:Beloshapka Viktor
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Address:Ukraine, Dnipropetrovska Oblast', Dnipropetrovsk
Crane hoist: construction of the Dnieper 2M-160 is designed for lifting loads weighing up to 2000 kg in the construction and repair of buildings and structures at a height of up to 80 m with its installation on the ground or on the floor of the building.
Crane: the construction of the Dnieper 2M-160 used in the construction of houses, high-rise buildings, industrial and commercial buildings. The priority of this type is the possibility of installation on ceilings of buildings. Crane: the construction of the Dnieper 2M-160, due to the relatively small dimensions, wins other types of cranes its practicality and usability. Crane: the construction of the Dnieper 2M-160 is particularly suitable when the little construction space.
Crane: the construction of the Dnieper 2M-160 fully disassembled into compact components. All Assembly and installation is limited to just one hour of work. Crane: the construction of the Dnieper 2M-160 has a push-button control. Post made remote, which is very important to facilitate construction.Maximum load: 2 tons