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Cranes, cantilever tilt new and used

Offer type: salePublished: 03.04.2014
Seller:Beloshapka Viktor
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Address:Ukraine, Dnipropetrovska Oblast', Dnipropetrovsk
Bracket-swing crane is designed for mechanization of work on lifting and movement of goods within the service area.
Sometimes two types of jib cranes: wall-jib crane consisting of a cantilever wall farm and moving it cargo truck with lifting winch, and the column of the crane in its design used wall farm, and the stationary column. Wall jib cranes are used in the shops to reduce the amount of work bridge cranes, and column - mainly in the shops of machine-building plants for the operation of individual units.
Jib cranes are also stationary device: heavy set column, on which is mounted the console. The console can be moved and the crane to rotate around its axis.
Depending on the type of actuator on the steering console, is manufactured cranes:
- with mechanical rotation console (electric actuator on the steering console)
- with manual rotation console