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COPC. fish, listless., preserves, eggs.

Offer type: salePublished: 07.04.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Lyubertsy
On your raw materials production of smoked fish, dried, salted fish, preserves, eggs in the Moscow region
-Line seaming preserves
-Line seaming caviar
-Smoke shop
Oven smoked
Camera for Walki fish (heating, 3 desiccant, ventilatory)
-Shop Ambassador
Shop dipascali (defrost)
-Line vacuum packaging (sealing the fish in the tray under vacuum),
made in Holland -1 so\shift
-Refrigerators -4 pieces , just 100m3, +5 to -18 ° C
-Cold-smoked fish (est. position: mackerel, halibut, salmon, chum salmon, herring, and others) of 1.2 to 1.5 tons per day
-Hot smoked fish (est. position: mackerel, pink salmon, chum salmon, and others) of 1.5 tons per day
-Dried fish (flounder, smelt) 600-1000 kg per day 1-single download
-Salted fish (salmon) 500 kg per day