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Ready business: online flower shop with profit

Offer type: salePublished: 10.04.2014
Seller:Serova Diana
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Address:Russian Federation
Sell online store bouquets of a copyrighted work, plants in pots and soft toys.
On the market 1 year. Stable monthly income of 130 000 rubles, which is confirmed by the documents for the procurement of goods and base orders.
The average profit per sale is 6 thousand rubles
The current website with the conversion of 14%, configured and running advertising campaign in Yandex.The direct, popular groups in social networks. Monthly advertising budget-15-20 thousand rubles
Two provider with additional 30% discount over and above the wholesale price;
- Ability to take orders from point of pickup in the number of flower stalls in the centre of Moscow;
Reason for sale - the changing areas.
During the month, ready to teach the new owner of the business! Call!
Price: 650 000 rubles