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Business for sale: Furniture store in the shopping center Code with profit

Offer type: salePublished: 10.04.2014
Seller:Serova Diana
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Address:Russian Federation
Will sell two furniture store in the shopping center Code - beside, Odintsovo.
4 years on the market.
The average monthly turnover - 1 800 000 rubles
The average monthly net profit from 400 000 to 900 000 rubles (in season). Confirmation arrived.
Provides a complete history of orders with names, addresses and phone numbers.
Total area - 100 sq m (2 shop 50 sq m)
Client base 4000 contacts. 2 employee.
A large influx of customers due to the active promotion of the TC - billboards on highways, cars, and an active campaign on the Internet.
Very high quality products at low prices 30% lower than the nearest competitor, which became possible thanks to the exclusive conditions with suppliers up to 25% discount over and above the wholesale price.
Near high-rise buildings are built 2014 - 2015, putting a target audience!
Scheme of work: the buyer selects and orders a product of the exhibited goods and catalogues, accepted the order and Deposit revenue. The factory manufactures, delivers, installs furniture and picks up the remaining cost.
This scheme is effective and reduces the work of the shop only to the sale. Accounts payable are absent as such.
The price includes assets 1 500 000 rubles
Reason for sale: start your own production.
Price: 8 200 000 rubles