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Gentle milk from farms

Offer type: salePublished: 11.04.2014
Seller:Lyudmila Petrovna
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Address:Russian Federation, Leningradskaya Oblast', Saint-Petersburg
Natural delicious cow's milk, cheese, sour cream with individual peasant farms in the environmental area-the village of Fox Nose (Sestroretsk direction)
1. Lead sector for more than 25 years for myself
2. We are 15 minutes from m Old Village in the ecological village of Fox Nose
3. Cows are registered in the state veterinary service and pass the necessary examinations and vaccinations
4. Feed cows natural products without artificial additives. Summer grazing on the fresh grass. Winter-hay purchased in Veliky Novgorod; Feed buy in Gatchinsky feed mill plant
4. We work without intermediaries and dealers. Themselves have made themselves sold
5. Cow young 3 yrs purebred, black-motley breed line Vis Ideal.
6. Milk has high biological activity is ideal to improve the immune system, cure diathesis and allergies, to treat stomach and much more.
7. Call and come in any time of the day.
8. The cost of 1 litre of milk-200 rubles