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Capuchin, Lori, Monkey, Lemur, Saimiri, Macaque, Mangabey

Offer type: salePublished: 13.04.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
Sell primates from the nursery. Lemurs Katta,Vari Lori Thick, thin Kalangi. Tamarina. Adipose. Red armed, Lion, Willow Monkeys of different subspecies. Capuchins Brown, White, Saimiri Squirrel Monkeys (Rhesus, Magot, Javanese Launder, Japanese, Pygmy Marmoset, Beloha, Chernoye Geoffroy Galadril, Mangabey Black, Brown, Red and other species. Eat primates, mainly fruits and vegetables. - Do not feed the primates, salted, peppered food. Sweets are also given in moderation, do not often indulge. Too much sweet and fatty food leads to negative consequences ! To feed the Lemurs what you feed yourself is contraindicated. Price from 1500.e