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Business for sale: Profitable repair company with SRO

Offer type: salePublished: 14.04.2014
Seller:Serova Diana
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Address:Russian Federation
Sell construction company, specializing in the repair.
More than 3 years on the market.
There are SRO on all the interior design, electrician, roofing and landscaping.
6 employees + project cooperation with 2 teams.
Actively promoted in SEO website (TIC - 80, 180 to 200 visits per day) which receives 10-15 applications for minor repairs + 1-2 applications per week for a big project.
Monthly net income: 266 300 rubles Documentary evidence.
The average monthly turnover of 460 500 rubles
The average monthly consumption - 194 200 rubles
Payback - up to 15 months!
Reason for sale: moving to Italy.
Price: 2 800 000 rubles