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Ready business: Operating beauty salon near subway

Offer type: salePublished: 15.04.2014
Seller:Serova Diana
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Address:Russian Federation
Sell beauty in a passing place.
Works more than six months. 4 employee.
- Monthly net profit 45-50 thousand rubles; Stable growth.
- Wide advertising network: on signs, in magazines, distribution of flyers, exhibitions, advertising in Sots. the networks.
Trade balance of 70 thousand rubles;/
Assets: Barber chair, hairdressing sink and mirror, sterilizer, oven for tools, 5 manicure tables, pedicure chairs universal (use including for eyelash), General, shelf for paints, Cabinet materials, screens; All new and recently renovated. In the presence of cheques.
- Rent of the room is 35 square meters Location - 40 steps from the metro, near bus and tram stops. Nearby there is a Parking space.
The reason for the sale is urgent need for cash.
Price: 770 000 rubles