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Meat broiler chickens wholesale

Offer type: salePublished: 16.04.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Novosibirskaya Oblast', Novosibirsk
Meat broiler chickens - a wide range on a regular basis:
-Hip C/W dry. Deputy TU - 84,0
-Shin C/W dry. Deputy TU - 104,0
-Breast C/W dry. Deputy TU - 100,0
Wing C/W dry. Deputy TU - 90,0
-Fillet C/W dry. Deputy TU - 150,0
Back chetvertyy dry. Deputy TU - 85,0
The carcass C/W dry. Deputy TU - 74,0
-Fillet C/b p/f Zam GOST - 185
-Shin C/b p/f Zam GOST - 130
-Bedriska C/b p/f Zam GOST - 98
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