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Business for sale: Shop radio-controlled models with profit

Offer type: salePublished: 16.04.2014
Seller:Serova Diana
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Address:Russian Federation
Will sell the existing store of radio-controlled models.
4 years on the market. High average check. Confirmation arrived.
On sale includes:
- The pavilion at the largest Mall in Lyubertsy with the best rental conditions and good (passable);
- The remainder of the goods for 350 000 rubles;
- Advertising campaigns;
Equipment - TV, computer, telephone base, the terminal acquiring assemblies, cabinets, tools for repair;
- Contract with a supplier in excellent conditions!;
- 2 employee;
The client base for 300 people;
- Increase sales for 3 months;
Monthly net income: 96 479 rubles
The average monthly turnover - 305 000 rubles
The business is automated, the active participation of the owner is not required.
The payback period is 11 months.
If you connect additional advertising, chain touch customers and increase average check - 7-8 months.
The reason for the sale is the main time is another project, there are no resources for development.
Price: 1 120 000 rubles