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Ready business: online store Italian clothing

Offer type: salePublished: 18.04.2014
Seller:Serova Diana
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Address:Russian Federation
Sell online store of Italian fashion. 4 years on the market.
Beautiful, high-quality website. The attendance of 200 people per day (connected Yandex-metric). Promotion only means of SEO.
Conversion from calling in orders 2% (from 100 advanced 2 order).
Monthly net profit reached 600 thousand rubles
At the moment, the shop will not do for family reasons.
Earnings per sale - 5 thousand rubles (margin 200-300%). The purchase was made directly from Italy 2 times a year on the contract with the supplier (transferred).
There is a trade balance 22 000 Euro (not included in the price, negotiated separately).
Price: 350 000 rubles