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Business for sale: Profitable accessory shop in the center of Ivanovo

Offer type: salePublished: 18.04.2014
Seller:Serova Diana
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Address:Russian Federation
Sell store bags, gloves and jewellery in the centre of the city of Ivanovo.
3 years on the market. 3 employee. The client base of 1000 contacts.
The store is located in a large shopping center near the stops.
Private entrance from the street sign.
Average monthly profit from 60 to 100 thousand rubles
The earnings documented.
There is a private couriers.
Rent of the room: 24 m2 for 38 thousand rubles per month.
The price includes the trade balance 600 thousand rubles!
Reason for sale: change of place of residence.
Price: 1 100 000 rubles