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the business of manufacturing packaging lumpy

Offer type: salePublished: 21.04.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Sverdlovskaya Oblast', Yekaterinburg
List of real estate forming part of the property complex
1 Industrial building with a total area of 1475,5 sq m
2 Built-in boiler
3 Office space
4 Two industrial sites
5 Mezzanine space
6 Two toilet and shower
7 Distribution device 350 GRPS
8 Outdoor medium pressure gas pipeline 306 meters
9 Distribution device GRU 350
10 Internal pipeline
11 Transformer substation TP-5 (warm attachment to the production building) 69 square meters
12 Automatic line "Voimega-5400" for the production of lumpy package plus all the equipment for a complete production cycle.
13 Land area 5422 sq m
All is owned by individuals
including the earth.
In connection with the move!