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Balconies and loggias in Zaporozhye

Offer type: servicesPublished: 24.04.2014
Seller:ChP KIROL
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Address:Ukraine, Zaporiz'ka Oblast', Zaporizhia
Modern balconies and loggias "turnkey" in Zaporozhye from the company "Chiral".
Our experts quickly and efficiently produce all the works on construction and reconstruction of Your balcony or loggia: make the inserts (gain parapet + increase the usable floor space), glazing (the date of production of metal-plastic constructions - only 2 days!), outer and inner lining, as well as raise, warm and slick floor, install the suspension dryer will light or install built-in wardrobe.
Action! When ordering Balcony or Loggia turnkey - Blinds as a gift!
More details You can find on our website:
By phone: (061) 220-74-74; 067-612-612-5; 050-484-06-26; 063-946-1000
Or in the office: the city of Zaporozhye, Lenin Avenue, 158, office 305