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Business for sale: luxury real estate Agency.

Offer type: salePublished: 29.04.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
Real estate services, residential real estate business and elite class consulting.
Financial model (month, rubles)
Income: ~3 million (3-4 deals, check ~1 million)
Fixed costs: ~800 thousand
The fee is ~1 million
Profit: 1 million
The payback period is 6-9 months.
Participation options: Purchase the whole or any investment.
Main aspects:
3 years on the market
Developed brand and company name
Highly popular website
Experienced managers
Winner of the "Village of the year"
Database objects and clients
Communication with all developers and brokers, >60 LCD business and elite class
General counsel 5 projects, the development of 3 high quality sites CP
Developed business processes and outsourcing
Ready prototypes sites LCD and advertising campaigns
2 project coexclusive
Prospects for the expansion and development